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Radio Playlist News Czech Republic

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Czech Republic, CZ, Brno, Vys�la� H�dy, 50kW, MUX DAB+ (K12D), Frequency 106.3FM

Austria, AT, Wien, Kahlenberg Transmitter, 100kW MUX DAB+ (K27A), Frequency 95.0FM

Note that both frequencies can be used in both countries, in Brno the 95.0FM signal can be received, as the Kahlenberg transmitter has a power of 100 kW

In Vienna, the 106.3FM signal can be received at a lower power, as the H�dy transmitter only has a power of 50kW

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Web Team

Owning your website is not easy, but the road always leads everywhere.
Denis Ben-Chenni
Denis Ben-Chenni
Czech Republic / Austria Owner of all services from FurgalofTeam Servers
"Help a person who needs it, you won't hurt anything."
Filip Kuba
Czech Republic / Slovakia Moderator in HITRADIO
Jan Jan�cek
Czech Republic Moderator in HITRADIO / SkulTech

In 2017, I taught the website owner to create this website, that is why I am listed here as a Helper, also in 2017 I developed a very interesting project called SkulTech.
Brad Green
Czech Republic Owner Service / Owner SkulTech Project
One of the two very good founders of SkulTech who has huge plans that are beyond the comprehension of all mortals.
Brad Green
Czech Republic Co-Owner SkulTech Project